September’s ten salsa songs for Encanto Tropical are actually DJ Rem’s choices — he kindly accepted my invitation to select them as my special guest. His choices are great, of course. Check them out.

DJ Rem, who is based in France, has been tremendous in building up a Spotify playlist for salsa released in 2023, one in which he invited me as a contributor, much in the same way we collaborated on a playlist for 2022 Salsa. They have been fun projects, but I am rather busy (job, family, etc), so I haven’t been able to participate as much as I would like. Occasionally, I have time to search and discover new salsa songs, but when I attempt to add something to our list, I often discover that DJ Rem already chose it. He’s quick!

DJ Rem is a busy guy these days. If he's not spinning somewhere, he is likely working on either the Spotify playlist or his YouTube channel, where he features songs from records, sometimes very rare ones. It is a project he started during the pandemic and the channel lists almost 400 videos to date.
Clearly, whatever DJ Rem plays -- old or new -- it shows good taste.
And it is commendable to find a salsa DJ as committed to finding new releases as to exploring vintage songs.
As for that Spotify playlist, most of the credit goes to DJ Rem for the time and effort he has put into compiling it. I wish I was able to contribute more. With two and a half months remaining for material, I will try!
It is from our Spotify playlist that I select my 10 monthly “Picks” for Encanto Tropical. Choices for any given month are limited only to tracks that have been released within four months prior.
To see other salsa charts (commencing from January 2023) see the Charts page.